Well, if you post a public bereal and receive realmoji reactions from strangers this is because they have found your bereal from the discovery tab.
Once you post your bereal publicly there is no way to turn it around and make it private you would have to delete it and post another one by clicking on my friend only button.
There are ways to make your bereals private or public with the steps mentioned in the article.
What does it mean when it says discovery on bereal?
If you have received a realmoji along with a discovery under it then you possibly be wondering about what does discovery mean on bereal realmojis. We will be explaining it briefly.
All the public bereals could be found in the discovery tab which are visible to every single user on this platform. Even so, they are allowed to see and react .
Therefore, the one who has discovery under the reaction is a stranger and has found you through discovery tab.
How to avoid the reactions from strangers on bereal?
Bereals allows it’s users to post privately and publicly. Which means when you post privately you can’t get reactions from strangers but only from your friends and acquaintances.
Once you post your bereal publicly you won’t be able to make it private but delete it all. Post another one. So be vigilant while posting.
How to change the privacy settings for bereal?
Step 1 –
click a snap
Step 2 –
click on add a caption
Step 3 –
click on options
Step 4 –
“My friend only”
What does discovery mean on bereal Realmojis?
Certainly No, bereal has not yet introduced any such feature which could restrict the number of lightning bolt Realmojis. But if you want to restrict things and make it less chaotic then post your bereals under my friends only.
You’ll only receive the reactions from your acquaintances and not from the strangers. This is a step you may try while posting your next bereal.
Realmojis with discover under it are nothing but reactions from the stranger who possibly found you on the discovery tab. Wherein all the “public bereals” assembled. Once posted under the public bereals you can’t change it to the private bereals. You have to delete it and then post it under the ”my friends only”.
You can even protect your privacy and peace by doing so. If you post bereals under public bereals you are more prone to having more friends from different parts of the world.